Wednesday, May 11, 2016

 Special Sights for Collin's Flat Stanley!
Mr. Josh Lortie continues to show Stanley around Washington D.C. 

The White House was first built in 1792. Every president since John Adams has lived in the White House.

 Josh and Flat Stanley rode the Metro to Josh's job. The Metro is Washington D.C.'s subway system. These underground trains are the second busiest in the world! Over 600,000 people ride them each day. It's busy! Just look at the line of people waiting. It's also kind of fun!
Josh took Flat Stanley to work with him. They spent the day working on cases. They also took a training on how to give someone CPR.

Josh and Stanley visited some of the Smithsonian museums. This is the National Portrait Gallery and American Art Museum. You can visit any of the Smithsonian museums for free.
The Natural History Museum has dinosaurs. There are space shuttles in the Air and Space Museum. There are 19 museums and a zoo in DC. They have over 138 million artifacts on display. We saw paintings of all the presidents!