Sunday, May 8, 2016

Behar's Stanley Takes a Vacation in Germany!

Stanley is on vacation with Heidi and her family in the coastal town of Norddeich, Germany. It is on the North Sea.

The car is all packed for the trip. I hope Stanley got to ride inside the car. He doesn't take up very much room!
Heidi is ready to go, and so is Stanley!

The family is staying in this very old home. It was built in 1864. It looks like a really wonderful old home!

Some Pretty Beach Photos

A shrimp boat.

 A friendly seagull.
 A beautiful old windmill!

 Grazing sheep.
 These "beachbaskets" protect beachgoers from the wind.

 Stanley enjoys digging in the sand. Looks like he found a Razor Clam shell. We have them in Maine too!

 Stanley took a ferry boat ride to an island.

 What a great vacation, Stanley!