Casey's Flat Stanley Visits the
Isle of Harris, Scotland!
When Stanley left Casey's Aunt Jaime in New York City, we didn't know where he was going to turn up.
He has turned up in Scotland, visiting Shona and friends!

The Isle of Lewis and Harris is off the western coast of Scotland in the Atlantic Ocean. It is the largest of the Outer Hebrides islands.
Stanley is enjoying the beautiful scenery in the Isle of Harris.
It looks like Stanley is kicking up his heels about playing tennis.
The sign for this school is in Gaelic and English.
That looks like a castle or a church in the background. Scotland has many beautiful old castles all over the country.
Stanley made some wonderful new friends!
Stanley visited this golf course. Many people think golf started in Scotland.
This sign describes a type of limpet. It is written in English and Braille.
Stanley thought the lobster looked as good as Maine lobster.
This lobster trap reminded Stanley of home!
What a beautiful beach!
Stanley fits comfortably in this pocketbook made out of Harris tweed. it makes a very cozy sleeping bag for him.
Harris tweed is a very famous type of cloth made from wool. Stanley loved all the different colors.
Stanley helped out weaving the cloth on this big loom.
Stanley did some shopping here. He wanted to try some biscuits when he found out they are what we call cookies.
To see more pictures of Stanley's visit to the Isle of Harris click on this link Isle of Harris