Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Collin's Flat Stanley Visits Washington D.C.
Mr. Lortie's son, Josh, is showing Stanley the sights!

 Washington D.C. is our nation's capital.
It borders Virginia and Maryland.
There are many wonderful monuments and museums in Washington D.C.

Can you find the president's house on this postcard?

Josh writes: "On this day we found a line of food trucks on one of the city streets. There are hundreds of different food trucks that drive around Washington. There is even one that serves Maine lobster."

Josh says, " This is us at the Friendship Academy in Chinatown. The arch is huge and the neighborhood has lots of great shops and restaurants. A nice lady on her bicycle offered to take our picture We learned that the arch is 30 years old this year."

One of the most fun museums in DC is the Spy Museum. This museum is all about spies, the history, the tools, and the people involved. There are even a lot of props from James Bond movies. While we were there they gave us code names and cover identities is case we become spies.