Lauren's Flat Stanley Visits
Naples, New York
Stanley is visiting Lauren's Grampy Bill and Grammy Kitty.
Naples is in The Finger Lakes area of New York.
Hi Ms. LaRosa, class and Lauren,
Stanley arrived last week to Naples, New York, our home. He likes to be called Stan.Grampy and I live in a beautiful place with many lakes and hills. In the fall our small community (2000 people) harvest grapes for PIES, juice and wine.
Our sport teams are called the GREEN MACHINE. Stan has the sweat shirt to show our colors.
While here, we have done many things together. I am an artist. Stan loved to paint in my studio.
We will be sending you some materials which will tell you about out area.
We have really enjoyed Stan's visit!
Hugs, Kitty and Grampy
Stan loves this Green Machine Sweatshirt! Those grapes look good too!
Stan is helping out with the shoveling. Kitty made Stan some wonderful clothes!
Kitty says it has warmed up. The daffodils are coming up and the Canada Geese are flying north.