Cam's Stanley Arrives in San Antonio, Texas
Stanley is visiting Cam's Great Aunt Buffy and Uncle Tim in San Antonio.
Aunt Buffy travels a lot for work and promises to bring Stanley along.
San Antonio is an important city in the big state of Texas!
Buffy works for a big company that makes gasoline, jet fuel and diesel fuels. |
Chewbacca is the company mascot. He keeps the employees happy!
Stanley is flying to Miami, Florida. |
He has this great view from his hotel room.
Stanley is climbing a rare Banyan tree at the hotel. The hotel was built around this tree to keep it safe! |
Stanley is stuck in the Banyan tree>
Stanley was tired from aunt Buffy's work so he went on a catamaran boat on the Atlantic Ocean. |
Catamarans have very big sails. |
Miami is a big city in Florida!
Stanley headed back to San Antonio after his trip to Miami!
This is a very popular Mexican restaurant. It is always open!
Stanley is on The Riverwalk in San Antonio. That is LaVillita Music Hall across the river. Dancers and musicians perform on that stage. |
La Villita is the location of the first settlement of Mexican people in San Antonio. Stanley visited The Alamo. |
This old oak tree is in the courtyard of the Alamo. It was already 40 years old when it was brought there in 1912. |
Stanley is trying on on Davy Crockett coonskin hat. |
Be careful of that huge cactus, Stanley! |
Stanley is making friends with a Texas Longhorn the state symbol! He is at the Buckthorn Museum. |
Stanley Visits Gruene, Texas
This is the oldest dance hall in Texas. Some people think it is haunted! |
Don't even think about climbing that water tower, Stanley! |
Austin, Texas
Austin is the capital of Texas! Stanley visited the Convention Center there.