More Fun for Collin's Stanley in
Washington D.C.
Stanley is off on more adventures with Josh. You can check back in the older post to see some of what Stanley and Josh have already been up to.
Josh writes:
Hi Collin,
I hope you are doing well. Here are some pictures from a couple more Smithsonian museums we have been to over the last couple of of weeks. Stanley will be headed back to Maine soon. We just have a couple more fun places to visit.
Your Friends,
Josh and Stanley
A Great view of the capital of our country!
We went to the American Indian Museum. It is the newest Smithsonian museum.
The outside of the museum is made of limestone. It is supposed to look like a natural rock formation. Very cool!
Stanley found a Native American canoe in the lobby. It was very big!
We visited the U.S. Botanical Garden. It is a museum all about plants. They have everything from the smallest flower to huge trees.
Stanley particularly liked these beautiful tulips!
Stanley and Josh found a lot of spiky cacti at the garden. Stanley didn't want to get too close.