Stanley writes:
Hi! I am here in Germany. The name of the town is Ernsthofen. It is about 30 miles from Frankfurt. Ernsthofen is a small town with a school, a daycare, a post office, a bakery and a church. About 1,00 people live in the town. I am living with Heidi (mom), Jeorg (dad) and Lennon (son). They also have one dog named Paul, two ducks, and two chickens.
Stanley has been staying with this fine family and their cute dog, Paul.
Paul is a very friendly Cockapoo. Stanley and Paul have become good friends!
Herbert and Petunia are Japanese Running Ducks. They have a nice yard to run, or waddle, around in.
Stanley is enjoying visiting the chickens.
The chicken in the corner just laid an egg. Time for breakfast, Stanley!
Stanley is trying out the family's vehicles. He likes this shiny red car...
and he loves this shiny red motorcycle! Hold on tight, Stanley.
Stanley is enjoying his stay is this lovely home!
He had a very happy Easter with a lot of yummy chocolate!
This is the castle in Jugenheim where Heidi works.
This is a very old part of a church.
This tree is 800 years old!
A view of the town.
A very tall golden cross.
Another town view.
The pretty town church.